Sunday, November 25, 2012

“Better a handful with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:6)

I'm not exactly sure what happened but it seems I turned around 
and Thanksgiving is past.  November has been a rough month.  
Cody has had a rough go of it. The bad days have definitely 
outnumbered the good days. 

A week before Thanksgiving we ended up in the ER with a terrible
case of pleurisy/ costrochondritis that made it difficult to breath.
He has spent most of the month on prednisone which makes him
ever so much fun to be around (not). After about four good days
it is back.

Rachel was home for five days, that visit went by entirely too fast! 
In three weeks though she will be home for Christmas break.

Although this month that we celebrate our thankfulness has been
one that has been tenuous to say the least... I am well aware of
the many blessings we have. I am finding that having a thankful heart 
is sometimes an act of my will.  I have to choose to not look at
the overwhelming circumstances and threatening clouds and look
at the good things instead. That doesn't mean I walk around in denial
of the bad circumstances... it means I have to remember that
God has brought us through troubled times before. I do not 
believe he has brought us this far to leave us now.

I read somewhere that bad days cause faith's rubber to meet 
life's road.  And I found as it says in Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better a handful
with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping
for the wind.

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