Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Long days....

Today was a long day. Mike and I left the house at 8:30, after a quick stop at the bank and for coffee, we headed to Camp Hill for his MRI.  Then on to Hershey Medical Center to sign consent forms and meet with anesthesiology for his upcoming surgery May 1st.  We didn't leave Hershey until 4:30!

Thankfully my amazing Mom was able to go bring our kiddos some dinner. We
have changed our diet pretty drastically eating organic and very little processed foods... the downside to that is there are very few quick and easy
meals for a 17 year old boy to cook.  It's a learning curve for all of us.

We are dealing with a great deal of anxiety simmering beneath the surface with the kids.  Tempers flare much more easily and more often lately. It's a battle to show grace sometimes. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every day. 

I just want all of you who take the time to bring us before the throne of grace.  We appreciate you deeply!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world. ~ Virgil A. Kraft

Spring always shows up right on time.  Just when you think you can't possibly take anymore of Winter...there pops up a crocus with the promise that Spring is on its way.
Today I saw a bit of Spring... yes I know the signs of Spring are all around us... but
my life right now feels a bit like Winter has me in its grasp and doesn't want to let go.

These days I feel a bit like Job's wife, just when you think it can't possibly get worse
somethings else bad happens.  And though my head knows that God is in control and He loves me... my heart well thats another story.  So today my heavenly Father reminded me
He knows how I feel.  Today a women who really doesn't know me or whats going on in our lives prayed for me.. and as she prayed and spoke over me it was if she could read
my mind.  She couldn't ~ but God can and He used her to remind me that He loves me
and He has a plan in all this that He can redeem this situation.

The frequent weather changes have made life a bit challenging lately with the kiddos.
Joint pain seems to be status quo around here.

Mike and I met with his urologist last week to discuss when to do surgery... only to
decide to go to Hershey for a consult.  Studies have proven places where a higher volume of surgeries are done the better the outcomes tend to be...the old addage practice makes perfect comes to mind. So Tuesday we should have a bit more information.

Some of you know I like to be able to plan things out and these days there are so many different variables in play the only option is taking one day at a time...which is hard for me. Each day sometimes many times a day I have to remind myself not to be afraid to trust this unknown future to a known God.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who has kept us alive, and has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this season.