Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He fails us not

   Today has been a crazy day...  a crazy busy day.  Last week 
after dropping Rachel of at school we started... well some of us 
started with a cold. It was a miserable cold... Mike is 
still fighting it. We are very careful with illness in general 
because several of the kiddos are on meds that suppress their 
immune systems (Cody especially).
      So after about 9 days of this cold... and usually Cody 
doesn't get the little things such as colds etc. his hyperactive 
immune system usually cuts them off at the pass... he was 
not getting better but worse. He started running a higher temp 
and his joints became very soreWe spent 2 days trying to get 
ahold of rhuematology and finally today had success. 
Unfortunately the treatment of choice to head off a major flare 
is prednisone.
      Although I know at times it is a necessary evil- I don't like 
it. The past couple times he has been on it he is just plain mean
and hungry all the time. I don't mind the hungry but the mean,
well lets just say there are challenging days ahead.
      As I was plugging through the day, school, doctors visits 
and children who at times did not want to cooperate I was 
blessed to have a song running through my head. And I wanted 
to share it with you. I think it easy to be overwhelmed by the
hard things in this life and if your like me I tend to think I am
failing everyone... I need to remember that I can't do things in 
my own strength.  I can't keep it all together all the time, but
I trust in someone who can.

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