On Tuesday we will have been "in school" for a month. Part
of me feels its been a long month and part of me can't believe
a month has already past. The older I get the passing of time
is a quandary.
Fall is definitely here. The morning air is crisp and the geese
are flying overhead. We have started to settle down into our
school time routine... I say started because this has been a
season of change for us and every time I think we have a
routine underway life intrudes.
Rachel is fairing much better these days and conquering
those beginning of the semester jitters. Hannah is settling
in and working much more independently which is a huge
blessing. Lucas has shown himself to be more mature this
year and his coping skills when thrown off balance are
amazing to see in action. Cody has had a rough start the
past two weeks brought a pretty big flare one we haven't
seen the likes of in quite awhile. Thankfully he is now
recovering and perking up a bit.
One of the lessons we are constantly learning (especially
with chronic illness) is we each have our own strengths and
limitations. So we need to learn new ways to solve problems
and to be resilient. That has been a big lesson for me recently.
I have been away from the house a lot the past two weeks.
It has not been easy with Cody ill~ my mind is constantly in
two different places. I have always been primary caregiver and
teacher... not so much the past two weeks. Mike has done
a wonderful job getting school done with the younger ones
and monitoring Cody's condition. That means I've had to let
go a bit... okay not a bit a lot! Like I said Mike does a
fantastic job but its different than the way I would do it.
Have I told you letting go of control doesn't come easy for me?
But, I am thankful in a small way for times like these
because it reinforces our strength as a family... it is a
testament to the love we have for each other.
Proverbs 16:1
"We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer."
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