Last Saturday we packed up all of the things Rachel had been collecting for college and dropped her off at her dorm. It was an emotional day to say the least. In fact the whole week has been fraught with emotion...
Someone told Rachel as she was struggling last week that....that if it wasn't scary it wouldn't be good for her, it wouldn't change her and wouldn't be worth it... perhaps Rachel summed it up best with this C.S.Lewis quote "We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." Growing...setting out into the unknown is never easy. Thankfully we know we are not in this alone.
This Saturday my mother and I were able to take the day and drive to the college and spend the day with my sweet girl. We had a wonderful time listening as Rachel shared stories about her week, friends and her classes so far. I have no doubts that she will make it through just fine. I'm thankful to see that God has already been faithful and put wonderful people around her
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