Sunday, April 8, 2018

Longing for Spring

That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more 
springs. LM.Montgomery

The Spring seems to be slow in coming this year. I am beginning to feel trapped 

in a Narnia ruled by the White Witch- always winter but never Christmas. Every 
time the weather seems to break snow threatens or storms back into view.

Today I am sitting in the hospital sitting with Lucas for his fourth Remicade 

infusion, and pondering life. Usually, while I am here I work on lesson plans, 
ACT 48 coursework, and occasionally blogging. Someone said to me recently I 
feel like your always at the hospital... I had to chuckle and say that's because 
I am.

I am missing home infusions well because I could be at home for one and two 

coming to the hospital two Sundays a month can be disheartening. But
its safer so for now here we sit. I am very thankful for the opportunity to do 
them at our local hospital pediatric floor for it means no long drive and being
able to come on a weekend and not have to miss more work.

Michael has been having difficulty with his one heel. It appears he has a bone 
spur and is fighting a bit of gout. The other not so pleasant issue is he has some
edema-indicating his heart is not doing as well as it could be- if you pray for us
we would truly appreciate those prayers now.

The black-eyed susans and daylillies are poking their way up through the soil
around my home along with other spring flowers determined to thrive despite
the bitter cold wind blowing around us. I want to be like these tender shoots, 
tender and yet strong. Yes, things are hard but something beautiful will come 
out of it.That's the promise and I am holding on to it.

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