Friday, September 13, 2013

Amazing Grace

How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light and color are their last days.  ~John Burroughs

The past three weeks have flown by so quickly. This year we decided to
start the day off with family devotions.  At 7:30 three sleepy headed 
kiddos make their way to the living room and we read a passage of 
scripture, have a short devotional and pray as a family. It has been 
fantastic! I love to hear my children pray especially for one another. 
Now just to keep it real those same kiddos will be arguing with each 
other at the breakfast table, about 10 minutes later, so I'll take what
I can get. :)

One thing I'm certain of is the enemy of our souls does not like us having family devotions. It has been amazing the additional challenges our family has faced since we started.  The first couple weeks of school have challenges all their own...but we've had some special ones of late.  Last 
Tuesday after a particularly good morning of school. I walked downstairs
to change the laundry... and wait is that water I see...

No not water.. it was sewage! The float switch on the ejector pump failed
and my lower bathroom/laundry room and hallway to and part of the family room was covered in sewage.  Then a day or so later I go out to the van and it starts sputtering and carrying on.  The wires connected to the wire harness all melted together. Yep all kinds of special challenges.

I would like to tell you through everything I have been calm,cool, and collected. A paragon of how to trust God in difficult times ~ but we're 
keepin it real remember.  I am learning though...

It has been a amazing lesson for us in God's faithfulness. It has been a
way for us as a family to present our needs to Him, to ask to see more 
of His glory and to see that He is still working, and then to see His

We covet your prayers we still have a lot to do and some needs to be met.

But isn't His grace amazing!

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