Thursday, June 28, 2018

Sleepless nights

Last night was a sleepless night. If I got two and a half hours in I would be surprised. Rashes and fevers rear their ugly heads here occasionally and I tend to react one of two ways... I can take it in stride and make the 
necessary phone calls or I can freak out. Last night it was the latter 

Maybe its because I was already tired... maybe it's because I am getting 
ready to send another medically complex kiddo away to college, and because answers never seem to be available. Times like last night remind 
me of how vulnerable we are adrift in this undiagnosed affliction.

Driving home tonight with my heart admittedly anxious and heavy at all
the questions petechial hemorrhaging raises and wondering how many
doctor visits and tests this will take to find maybe an answer this time.
The Lord was quick to remind me that He and I have a history and He 
has never failed me yet. Trust is not always my strong suit I kind of like
to have a plan in place. This whole experience has taught me the only 
control I really have is over my attitude. I can choose to trust God or
I can choose to wallow in self-pity.

We have approximately four weeks till our girl heads off to college. Which 
means we have a lot to do medically and otherwise to get her and us
ready. As always we covet your thoughts and prayers. Right now this is
my anthem song.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Things have been busy around here.

It has been a little quiet around here on the blog, but things have been terribly busy here at the Lauffer house. We have just finished our 16th year of school at home. Which just happened to coincide with this girls graduation.

Three down and one to go! Its kind of a bit surreal to think in 3 years time 
we could be done with such a significant and integral part of our lives. But 
time marches on...

Now the days will be filled with getting her ready to start college this fall but before that happens we have one big dance recital to go. So this coming week will be show rehearsal week which will be very busy indeed. This week I will be juggling the role of dance mom and baseball mom. Today we had 
her infusion. It is helpful that it fell the week at the beginning of rehearsal 
week we are hopeful it will give her some pain relief.

Cody has returned from school with approximately one semester to go and will be working on an internship this summer. We had his appointment with the geneticist at Hopkins which raised once again more questions than answers. However, it was rewarding to see him be his own advocate and 
ask questions himself. It can be a difficult task to self-advocate so I am thankful to see him doing it.

Life is a series of ever-changing, ever-growing events. Sometimes these events are small and without fanfare - you may not even realize they are happening until some distance has passed.  Some events are obvious like graduations, weddings, and others, but life is lived mostly in those little unnoticed moments.

Watching my children learn and grow has been a privilege, one I am ever so thankful for. Some days were and still are hard, really hard, but so very 
worth it. Learning to parent adults that's not been any easier than it was to learn to parent littles. Life can be ever so messy and yet ever so wonderful.
I am endeavoring to embrace the chaos because I have learned that there
are just as many lasts as firsts and I don't want to miss any of them.