example, I could worry about the scar an IV treatment will leave, instead of the scary medicine that is filling my child's body.
My youngest came to me a couple days ago with a request for jeans. He's had a bit of a growth spurt and needs a longer length. I explained that I
know he needs them and I am working on it. He reminds me every
couple days. He's anxious about many things but this is the smaller thing
to obsess over.
My epiphany was this... I come to God the same way. My worries are bigger
but I tend to forget he's working on it and has everything under control.
I come with a basketful of troubles it seems, we have two infusions this
week, I came into the month $XWY behind, I am a month behind on the
house and a half a month on the car and its 50 days till Christmas. Lord, I
don't feel good, I'm struggling how do I do this?!
I hear Him say to me the same things I whisper in my youngest ear,
" I'm working on it buddy, I've got it under control" and "you don't have to do this on your own TRUST me". The difference, of course, is that I have very limited resources and He has unlimited!
I said before I have been trying to remember to take joy in the small things.
That shift in thinking is a work in progress for me, some days are better than others, I'm getting there.
Here's something I am thankful for although it stinks to have to take my beautiful girl to the hospital for an infusion, we are surrounded by nurses
that treat us like family (helps when you've had more than one kid as a frequent flyer) and that I can be here with her. I am thankful that
we get to do my son's coming infusion in the comfort of our own home. I am thankful that Cody's meds can be done sub-q and he's doing okay with those.
Mostly, I am thankful for true friends who love across the distances. I am thankful for friends that speak truth into my life even when I don't want to hear it. I am thankful for friends who uphold us in prayer when life gets dicey and are just present when I need them.