Thursday, July 13, 2017

'Yurt'ing It and Rhuematology

This past weekend we went on an adventure. We camped not too far from the house at Codorus State Park in a Yurt. It was pet-friendly
so this guy got to join us. That in itself was an adventure. Flip did do very well though no barking at other dogs just some whining from time to time. Rachel, Hannah, Lucas, and Mike hiked. Hannah honed some of her photography skills.

   We sat around the campfire & ate smores. All in all, it was a nice break even if it was just 3 days & nights.
    Today we caught up with our rheumatologist. Hannah is not doing as well any longer on Orencia so the decision was made to switch her Actemera. Actemera is a bit more immune suppressive, and a bit trickier as it can not be done at home. So her first two or three will be done at Hershey afterward we can switch her to our local Hospital. So her chest x-ray appears clear 
and we consult with Cardiology in August if they find nothing amiss 
we will check her pulmonary function ~ still trying to get to the bottom of 
the dizziness and breathlessness upon exertion. Along with the new 
Actemera infusions we have an iron infusion set up in August as well.
    Stranger things Lauffer style continues this week as Lucas noticed a rash on his feet and ankles which appear to be per rheumatologist petechiae.
That is a new rash for us... he also has some low white cell counts so before
they raise his current dose of Orencia they want to see want his next labs 
show. He is still having a great deal of pain in the left hip/ knee/ heel areas.
    What made the mini vacation so special is it offered a bit of normalcy.
There were still pills to pass out and ice packs at bedtime a couple of nights
but it was a much-needed break.