So those of you that know me may know that for a couple of years now I have wanted chickens. My sweetie finally caved and as a combination birthday anniversary gift, we welcomed three new littles into our household last week.
We have had the girls for a week now and they have been a tremendous
amount of fun. We are using their coop as a brooder box in the downstairs. We, of course, did not attach the roof or run to it and the nesting boxes are closed off for now.
Dixie and Lucie were two weeks old and little Josie a week, but she seems to be holding her own. This week Lucie and Dixie have been getting tail feathers and Josie is losing some of her fuzz. Stay tuned for my new distraction from life's craziness!
Life is like a cup of tea, it's all in how you make it! ~Irish Proverb
I can't believe that we are already over a week into March! February was
a brutal month. I and at least one other kiddo were sick twice with a
monster of a cold. twice in 29 days how was that even possible?
Some positives came from Cody's nephrology appointments. The CAT scan
showed only two small stones in his left kidney. One was very tiny and
the other appeared to be dissolving on its own. Woo hoo! No treatment
necessary just to keep daily fluid levels up.
Our Rachel had a dip in some lab numbers we think may have been due to the
monster cold, she will be touching base with Hematology to be on the safe
side. Our other hematology nightmare with Hannah continues... although
serum iron levels are rising her hemoglobin and ferritin continue to drop. So
the plot thickens so to speak.
We have approximately 52 days left of school here at the Lauffer house! 52
days till our youngest is officially a 9th grader!? When we started this journey
of school at home I was pregnant with him ... it doesn't seem possible that we
have been doing this 15 years with 4 to go.
Lucas is feeling a bit intimidated by the idea of being a high schooler. He's my
half glass full guy so change is hard for him. We have had quite a few talks of
late about how we can look at our overwhelming situation or circumstances
and think about how scary they are or we can look at our situations in faith.
We have to make a choice about seeing things as half full or half empty. This
not only helps him but it also reminds me of who I put my hope in. Because we
also have PSSA's in the next month which fills him and I both with as L would
say "a tad bit of discomfort". I am choosing to push through the next 52 days
with high hopes for the future.
We are planting with the harvest in mind. Sometimes as parents we dread these
tumultuous teen years. They can be crazy but they are also short and before we
know it they are young adults. These are precious years and I want to take
advantage of them and to sow wisely and lovingly.