Monday, November 30, 2015

Being thankful...

   With Thanksgiving behind us and the calendar moving full speed ahead toward Christmas....  it is easy to get bogged down in all the things we have to do and forget those benefits we were just appreciative of and blessings we aware of.

   December for the Lauffers is a lot like December for many people
jammed packed with things to do and places to go. This week seems 
to be the only semi leisurely week of the month.

   Hannah is dancing in the Nutcracker Ballet this year so next week evenings are a flurry of activity and rehearsals. The following week is our 
biannual trip to the NIH with Cody for 2 and 1/2 days. The week of Christmas includes Hannah's infusion at home and Lucas's first Orencia 
infusion at Hershey Children's Hospital. Then Christmas, Codys's birthday, and New Years. All of that with a few Christmas parties and activities thrown in the mix.

   Those of you who know me know that I tend to get a tad bit overwhelmed just looking at a calendar that filled. Even lots of fun activities can be over tiring and stressful. My children have been know to hear me mutter "I don't have enough spoons for this" on a regular basis.

   However all that being said I want to remember to be grateful... So I am going to share my blessings with you.
1. I am grateful again that Mike is still with us! The past couple years have been rough medically, even now with unresolved issues, God just keeps giving us more story to live out.
2. I am grateful that Hannah is feeling well enough to dance and that she 
has an opportunity to dance in this wonderful production. And for the
wonderful friendships she has developed through this dance studio.
3. I am so thankful that Cody has  the benefit of some of the leading people in the field of medicine that  are studying this illness and finding 
out ways to make his and our family's lives better and maybe even another child who is struggling as well.
4. I am grateful for medicine that helps take the edge of pain and stops systemic inflammation so that more damage is not done.
5. Mostly I am thankful that God always sends us just what we need ,just when we need it! Through friends and coffee dates, through a gift cards given, and so many different reminders that He is working in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends! Happy Thanksgiving!