Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another leg in the journey...

'The days are long but the years are short.' 

This quote has never seemed more true than now. The past month has been a blur.  The last time I wrote Cody and I were sitting in the hospital waiting for his chest tube to be removed.

He had his chest tube removed Monday and we headed back to the Children's Inn and the NIH for some more tests and full nights sleep before heading home. We came home Tuesday and then had a barrage of things to do in the three days left before dropping him off at college, including another chest x-ray and blood work.

I'm not going to lie after we dropped him off I sat in the parking lot 
and cried. I couldn't believe 4 days after having his chest tube removed 
we were leaving him at college.

Then three days later we made the trip to drop Rachel off for her third year....    

Plus the new school year for Hannah and Lucas started in between  
those two drop offs. 

 It is harder to manage medical issues from a far. Cody has been having
an issue with hematuria which we are keeping an eye on. It's a new 
         leg of the journey we're on and we are all learning as we go.