Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

So this is a long overdue update.  On  Wednesday May 1st Mike had a radical prostatectomy. He was able to come home from the hospital on Thursday evening and has been recovering well.  He is a week and a half out and still a bit sore,but doing much better. Now the biggest challenge is trying to keep him from doing too much too soon :)

On Wednesday we got the best news. The cancer was all enclosed and had not broken out of the prostate.  And his lymph nodes and margins were
all clear! Next step will be to see what his next PSA level is in 6 
weeks.  But that was a pretty nice anniversary present.

As I reflect on our anniversary this year I would like to share an passage from a book a friend of mine was reading and shared:
             " I look into my husband's face.  His eyes are tired, his face
               is lined. He needs a haircut. But he is still handsome to me.
               Eighteen years ago I had the great good fortune of marrying
               a man who believes in showing up. He might not always know
               what to do. He might not always know the words to describe
               how he feels. But no matter how awkward or terrible the
               situation, no matter how bad the bad things get with Kitty,
               he will be there. I don't have to do this alone. At the moment,
                I can't imagine anything more romantic." ~ Brave Girl Eating
                                                                            by Harriet Brown

Now we've been married a bit longer and we are not dealing with anorexia. But we deal with chronic illness with the kiddos and various 
other trials that come from living in this fallen world. I
like this passage because I think when you get down to 
it that's what marriage is about showing up for the 
other person.  Making a choice to put the other person 
first isn't always easy but the past 21 years have been so 
worth it.  Happy anniversary my love!